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Isobel Bowdery is a 22-year-old woman from Cape Town, South Africa, currently in Paris. 现居巴黎的22岁女子伊泽贝尔·鲍德瑞来自南非开普敦。
On Saturday, Bowdery shared on Facebook her terrifying and heartbreaking account of being inside the Bataclan music venue on Friday night when more than 82 people were killed by gunmen. 11月14日,鲍德瑞在Facebook(脸书)上文牍了她13日晚在巴塔克兰剧院音乐厅里那令东说念主心碎的可怕资格,那时有培育82东说念主遭到枪杀。
In the post, Bowdery writes that when the gunfire first started, she thought it was just part of the show. 鲍德瑞在Facebook上写说念,枪声初度响起时,她还觉得这是上演的一部分。
"You never think it will happen to you. It was just a Friday night at a rock show. The atmosphere was so happy and everyone was dancing and smiling. And then when the men came through the front entrance and began the shooting, we naively believed it was all part of the show. It wasn’t just a terrorist attack, it was a massacre. Dozens of people were shot right in front of me. Pools of blood filled the floor. Cries of grown men who held their girlfriends dead bodies pierced the small music venue. Futures demolished, families heartbroken. In an instant." “你全都思不到这会发生在你身上。只不外是在周五晚上听一场摇滚乐会汉典。现场讨厌太好了,扫数东说念主都在连蹦带跳,说谈笑笑。是以那些东说念主从前门冲进来扫射的时代,咱们还活泼地觉得这是上演的一部分。这不仅是恐怖迫切,而是一场屠杀。好多东说念主就在我目下被射杀了。地板上到处都是血,小音乐厅里动荡着男东说念主们抱着我方女友尸体哀泣的声息。巨额东说念主的将来完全废弃了,一个个家庭心碎不已,这些都仅仅瞬息发生的事。”
She says she lay down on the floor of the club for over an hour, pretending to be dead and trying not to breathe. 她说她在地板上躺了一个多小时,尽量不呼吸,装成仍是死了的阵势。
"Shocked and alone, I pretended to be dead for over an hour, lying among people who could see their loved ones motionless. Holding my breath, trying to not move, not cry - not giving those men the fear they longed to see. I was incredibly lucky to survive. But so many didn’t. The people who had been there for the exact same reasons as I - to have a fun Friday night were innocent. This world is cruel. And acts like this are suppose to highlight the depravity of humans and the images of those men circling us like vultures will haunt me for the rest of my life. The way they meticulously aimed at shot people around the standing area I was in the centre of without any consideration for human life. It didn’t feel real. I expected any moment for someone to say it was just a nightmare." “我孑然无援,又惧怕又狭隘,躺在地上装死装了一个多小时,周围满是些丧失亲一又的东说念主。我屏住呼吸,尽量一动不动,也不成哭出来,不让那些东说念主看到他们渴慕看到的懦弱。我相配运道地生还了,但好多东说念主都莫得我这样运道。那些故去的东说念主何其无辜,他们都和我不异,只不外是思过个兴隆的周五驱散。宇宙真狠毒。这种恶行超越了东说念主性的骄傲,这些恶徒像秃鹰不异围着咱们恭候觅食的影像将缠绕我的一世。他们射杀耸峙区的东说念主们,一个也不放过,涓滴不谈判东说念主命关天。这一切都像是假的swing raw sex5,我一直都但愿能有东说念主告诉我这仅仅个恶梦。”
Bowdery also describes the heroes of the night: the strangers who helped her, the friend who bought her new clothes so she wouldn’t have to wear her bloodstained top. 鲍德瑞也讲了当晚的许多强者:匡助过她的生疏东说念主,给她买新一稔、让她无用身穿染血上衣的一又友。
"But being a survivor of this horror lets me able to shed light on the heroes. To the man who reassured me and put his life on the line to try and cover my brain whilst I whimpered, to the couple whose last words of love kept me believing the good in the world, to the police who succeeded in rescuing hundreds of people, to the complete strangers who picked me up from the road and consoled me during the 45 minutes I truly believed the boy I loved was dead, to the injured man who I had mistaken for him and then on my recognition that he was not Amaury, held me and told me everything was going to be fine despite being all alone and scared himself, to the woman who opened her doors to the survivors, to the friend who offered me shelter and went out to buy new clothes so I wouldn’t have to wear this blood stained top, to all of you who have sent caring messages of support - you make me believe this world has the potential to be better. To never let this happen again." “但行为幸存者,我有幸能讲讲那些强者们。阿谁在我陨涕时,冒着性命危机试着护着我的头的东说念主,那对在终末时代互诉爱意让我信托宇宙好意思好的情侣,那些收效救济成百上千东说念主性命的巡警们,那些在我确信爱东说念主已死的45分钟里时,从马路上扶起我,抚慰我的生疏东说念主们,阿谁我原先误觉得是阿莫里(鲍德瑞的男友)、尽管我方并立无助、狭隘不已还抱住我告诉我一切都会好起来的受伤的东说念主,阿谁向幸存者打开大门的女东说念主,为我提供住处、帮我买新一稔换下染血上衣的一又友,还有扫数发短信护理我、支援我的一又友们,是你们让我信托宇宙会变得更好,这种悲催不错永恒不再重演。”
She concludes: “It is up to us to be better people. To live lives that the innocent victims of this tragedy dreamt about but sadly will now never be able to fulfill.” 终末她写说念:“当今到了咱们要作念一个更好的东说念主的时代了。去更好地在世,去过这场悲催的无辜受害者们思过却无法享受的活命。”
"But most of this is to the 80 people who were murdered inside that venue, who weren’t as lucky, who didn’t get to wake up today and to all the pain that their friends and families are going through. I am so sorry. There’s nothing that will fix the pain. I feel privileged to be there for their last breaths. And truly believing that I would join them, I promise that their last thoughts were not on the animals who caused all this. It was thinking of the people they loved. As I lay down in the blood of strangers and waiting for my bullet to end my mere 22 years, I envisioned every face that I have ever loved and whispered I love you. Over and over again. Reflecting on the highlights of my life. Wishing that those I love knew just how much, wishing that they knew that no matter what happened to me, to keep believing in the good in people. To not let those men win. Last night, the lives of many were forever changed and it is up to us to be better people. To live lives that the innocent victims of this tragedy dreamt about but sadly will now never be able to fulfill. RIP angels. You will never be forgotten." “但咱们要为了那些可怜的东说念主,那些在剧院里被杀害的80个东说念主而更好地活命,尽管他们再也不会醒来,咱们要为了他们的亲东说念主和一又友能承受这些伤痛而作念更好的东说念主。我相配痛心。这种痛是无法弥补的。我很侥幸在他们性命的终末一刻我与他们一王人。况兼我那时相配确信我会和他们一王人故去,我不错保证在他们性命的终末一秒思的不是用抢扫射他们的六畜,而是他们挚爱的东说念主。在我躺在生疏东说念主的血泊之中恭候枪弹章程我才22岁的性命时,我在脑中思象每一个我爱的东说念主的脸庞,小声说我爱你。一遍又一遍。回忆我生射中扫数发光的时代。我但愿我爱的东说念主能好好的,但愿岂论我发生什么事,他们还能连接信托东说念主性的好意思好。不成让那些恐怖分子得逞。昨晚,好多东说念主的性命永恒更动了,是时代让咱们去作念一个更好的东说念主了,去更好的在世,去过这场悲催的无辜受害者们思过却无法享受的活命。安息吧,天神们。你们永恒不会被东说念主们淡忘。”
The post has been shared almost half a million times in the last 24 hours. 这篇著述在往常的24小时内,被转发了近50万次。
As the world reels from the horrific events of the terrorist attack in Paris, people have started to share a clip from Casablanca to show their support for the people of France. 巴黎恐怖迫切惧怕了全宇宙,东说念主们共享电影《卡萨布兰卡》的一个片断来暗示对法国东说念主民支援。
A two-minute YouTube video of the scene from the 1942 film, in which character Victor Laszlo (played by Paul Henreid) leads customers of a bar in singing an impromptu rendition of the French national anthem, La Marseillaise, to quieten a group of Nazis who are singing the German national anthem. YouTube上这个两分钟的视频来自1942年的电影,保罗·亨雷德献艺的维克多在酒吧中携带来宾们随性演唱法国国歌马赛曲,让那些唱着德国国歌的纳粹们适意下来。
The scene ends triumphantly, with a young woman (pictured above) crying out, "Vive La France!", a statement that has been adopted across the globe in the aftermath of the attacks. 这一派段以得手的场景章程,一位年青的女子(见上图)哭喊出来:“法国万岁!”,这句标语在巴黎恐怖迫切发生后,仍是在专祖传播开来。
The clip was posted on Reddit in the early hours of Saturday morning and has since been "upvoted", or approved, more than a thousand times. 该视频周六凌晨在Reddit上发布,仍是被赞培育1000次。
depravity: 退步;骄傲 reel: 震颤 impromptu: 即席的
英文起首:Buzzfeed 译者:许楠楠、张卉 审校&裁剪:丹妮swing raw sex5